Saturday, 17 December 2011


Tried to represent the mood of the song and album with the dark colours and desaturated images.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Magazine Advert

This is my magazine advert for The Streets fictional album Dry Your Eyes.

The Finished Article

Here it is, the result of many hours of editing and trying hard to be serious on camera. Leave your comments on the blog post or the youtube video, all praise and criticisms welcome!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Digipack Front Cover Image

This is the image I am going to use for my front cover. The morose facial expression along with the de-saturated colours reflect the sombre mood of the album.

Technical Analysis of a Music Video

Technical Analysis of a Music Video

The second video I'm going to take a look at is the video for the Foo Fighters song Learn To Fly. I've chosen this as it is a very amusing video and, although it's nothing like our video or the song we are using, it is good to see people putting on a show in a music video, and Dave Grohl is arguably the best of the business in that department right now.

Grohl puts in a fantastic comic performance in this video in many guises, the camp male flight attendant, the jock-ish pilot, the awestruck teenage girl, the cheerful fat lady and, of course, himself. He has always been a source of comic relief in his band's music videos, dating back to when he was a drummer in Nirvana, and his videos are often opportunities for him to express his flamboyant nature.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Digipack Images So Far

Just a couple of the shots I'm using for the digipack. Trying to create a sombre morose mood, one of frustration and isolation.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Call Sheet

Cast/Crew of Production 

Humayra Khan 
- Editor

Contact number - 07572354647
Email address -

Elizabeth Mensah-Tandoh - Director/Cameraman
Contact number - 07932044157

Email address -

Dan Smith - Leading actor/Editor
Contact number - 07944738736
Email address -

Tamara Birch - Sound 
Contact number - 07931654833
Email Address -

Melissa - Leading actress
Contact number - 07723554487
Email Address -